Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dead Simple Way To Track Your Etsy Sales (and more)

If you're not already familiar with Metricly, let me introduce you. Metricly helps small businesses and startups create easy-to-use dashboards to track their key metrics and better understand their business.Metricly aggregates your metrics from all across the web in one place, then graphs that information in a format even I can understand....which is saying a lot.

Metricly will connect to your Etsy data and provide you with real time sales data, customer information, and much more giving you tools to improve your sales. They even send you a weekly email with updated metrics. When you connect your Etsy shop, several graphs are automatically prepoluated with data such as total sales, item sold, average sales price, favorites and feedback, sales by state, and my favorite - sales by new and repeat customers. Dead simple.

In addition to Etsy, Metricly will also connect to your Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics and more. One of my favorite Twitter metrics is a graph that charts the reach of my retweets and mentions. I think it is so neat to see how many people are exposed to my name or one of my tweets.

Nowhere else will you find all of this data in one place in such an easy to use interface. In addition to the graphs and dashboards automatically generated when you connect a source, Metricly makes it easy to create your own custom graphs. With a glance, you can see for instance how your Twitter and Facebook compare and relate.

Another great feature of Metricly is that links to stories and articles that are related to your graphs are provided to you. An excellent learning resource.

I almost forgot to mention, Metricly is free. F-R-E-E. We all love free, right?
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