Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Make Your Email Signature Stand Out From The Crowd

How lengthy is your email signature? If you are like me, you don't want to leave anything out: your store address, website address, facebook, twitter, blog, etc....This is important information, right?

The end result is line after line of links. Let's be honest with ourselves, all these links look horrible.  Take a look at my old signature below. Who is going to take the time to pay any attention to this mess?
Now, take a look at my new signature:

Pretty awesome, right? I love my email signature now, courtesy of WiseStampWiseStamp is a program available on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox that allows you to custom design your email signature with a ton of different options. 

Custom design multiple signatures using different fonts, templates, logos, and more. You can easily add your social links and profiles with the clean, modern icons you see above. And they even have one for your Etsy shop!

WiseStamp has several email apps to enhance your email signature and bring it to life. For instance,  there is a Twitter app that shares your latest tweet, and a Stumbleupon app that shows recent pages you have stumbled and allows others to Stumble or follow you.  There are several other apps  which include sharing music, supporting the causes you care about, sharing your latest bookmark, and others with more to come.

Follow the link below to install WiseStamp. I would love to see what you do with your email signature! Send me an email at to show it off!

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